Executive Director
Biddeford+Saco Chamber of Commerce+Industry
Have you ever dreamed of working and living in the most dynamic region along the coast of Maine? The Biddeford Saco region’s resurgence of economic and cultural regrowth is no longer a secret. The Biddeford+Saco Chamber of Commerce+Industry has been a critical partner in this success. Proudly known for a high quality of life, our region offers an outstanding array of community and cultural facilities, public and private schools, colleges, nightlife and events. Our downtowns are hosts to beautifully repurposed mill buildings offering everything from fine dining and craft breweries, award winning clothing designers and upscale living. In terms of natural features, the area is as astoundingly beautiful as it is richly diverse! All of this and more in what is considered one of the most affordable alternatives in southern Maine. It is not surprising that the region is considered the preferred location for young professionals.
The chambers next Executive Director is expected to continue as an important leader for the region. Representing the needs of the business community, the successful candidate will be a dynamic self-starter, innovator and passionate ambassador for not only the chamber membership but also the region. Serving as the chief executive officer, all candidates are expected to demonstrate that they possess the necessary core skills to serve in that role. As a growing and thriving chamber, we are looking for the right person to assist the chamber in reaching the next level of excellence.
If you aspire to follow a calling rather than simply go to work and ready to be a key part of the success story that is being written in Biddeford and Saco, our team wants you. Please send your statement of interest, resume and compensation request to:
Chamber Executive Director Search
c/o Scott Gillespie, Search Committee Chairperson
Saco Sport & Fitness 329 North St. Saco, ME 04072.
You may also email to: scott@sacofitness.com
Equal Opportunity Employer
Review of submittals will begin on August 30, 2018
Additional information about the position description and expectations can be found at biddefordsacochamber.org