• Job Fair - Biddeford, Saco & Old Orchard Beach

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    Name: Job Fair - Biddeford, Saco & Old Orchard Beach
    Date: April 27, 2022
    Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    The Biddeford & Saco Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce to co-host a job fair to help match those seeking seasonal or full-time positions with companies and organizations looking to hire.  

    If you are a member company or an organization looking to hire new employees who would like to have a table at this Job Fair, please email both of us at info@biddefordsacochamber.org and info@oldorchardbeachmaine.com to sign-up.

    If you are looking for a job and want to attend this Job Fair to meet with hiring companies, please sign-up to attend by emailing us both at info@biddefordsacochamber.org and info@oldorchardbeachmaine.com
    Oceanwood Camp & Conference Center
    17 Royal St.
    Ocean Park 
    Date/Time Information:
    Wednesday, April 27th 
    3:00pm - 6:00pm
    Contact Information:
    Jim LaBelle
    No cost but companies/org.'s looking to participate must let us know at info@biddefordsacochamber.org AND info@oldorchardbeachmaine.com - space is limited so sign up asap.
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